How to make a perfect Italian coffee at home and explanation about coffees you can find at an Italian bar


This gallery contains 13 photos.

Today I talk to you about how to do a perfect italian coffee with your Moka pot (yes, a perfect coffee with an italian Moka pot is always possible!) and the explanation of the main types of coffee you can … Continue reading

Calf’s Liver Venetian Style (Fegato alla Veneziana)


This gallery contains 8 photos.

AUTHENTIC FEGATO ALLA VENEZIANA (CALF’S LIVER VENETIAN STYLE) Fegato alla Veneziana (pron. Fay-gah-toe Ah-lah Vay-nez-e-ah-nah*) is one of the most traditional Venetian dishes known all over the world for its simplicity and above all because it’s appreciated even by those … Continue reading