Before start cooking

Before trying a recipe make sure you use high quality ingredients, try to buy food in the farmers market, these affect the final result.

Make everything with passion, love or with a friendliness mood, it really change everything.
When I’m pissed out for something or I’m not feeling well everything I cook is a disaster because my negativity transfers to what I’m doing, and it’s not good!

Think about what you’re doing, you can change people attitude, you can make them feel very well even just for few minutes, but I think that it’s worth. A smile makes people better and above all you know that you’ve done something good, something useful.

By using passion in cuisine you can change the world, so be happy even if you’re not confident in cooking, making mistakes is a part of learning so don’t be upset If something doesn’t turn out good at the first time, but try to figure out if you have follow all the recipe instructions. “Rome wasn’t built in a day!”.

And remember… home-made strikes back, always!