How to make Bell Peppers (Capsicum) digestible to everybody


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Maybe not everybody knows that bell peppers, also known as sweet peppers or capsicum, are not very digestible, so even if they’re really good, contain high quantities of vitamin C and add great taste to dishes they can mess you … Continue reading

How to make garlic more digestible and cure bad breath


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Sometimes, when you eat garlic or you just use it to give dishes exquisite flavour and aroma, you end up with digestion problems or a bad garlic breath that can last hours (due to high level of sulfurous compounds contained … Continue reading

Advantages and Disadvantages about Mother Yeast or Sourdough Starter


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ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ABOUT SOURDOUGH STARTER OR MOTHER YEAST Here is a list of advantages and disadvantages about using mother yeast or sourdough starter. ADVANTAGES: products are more digestible because there are microorganisms that can decompose flour and gluten more … Continue reading